May 8, 2010

Neen's Very First Blog

Hmm...what to say. I'm a writer and normally have a wealth of ideas when it comes to writing, but now I'm at a loss for words!

Okay, here goes. My name is Janine Ellis Fynn. I am a forty something wife and mother of two young girls. Rebecca Jade is ten years old, going on eighteen! Gabriella Rose is six years old. I suppose the first thing that comes to mind to write about is my eldest daughters Diabetes. Type 1 diabetes to be exact. Now, this is a subject I could write about forever.

It all started last year in November. My otherwise healthy child, suddenly lost about three kilograms overnight and was feeling very ill. When the school phoned to tell me she was vomitting, I raced home from work and rushed her straight to the doctor. The paedetrician took a 'dip stick test,' and told me Rebecca would need to be admitted to the Intensive Care Unit immediately. Her blood glucose reading was off the scale at 48! The doc told me he had never treated a child with such a high reading before. Normally, children go into a coma and then die around 39! She was admitted on the verge of kidney failure and had severe dehydration and ketonacidosis. That first night in hospital was nothing less than terrifying, especially as my husband was away on business. I firmly belive my precious angel was spared, purely because of all the prayer that was said for her that night. I have wonderful, faithful friends who prayed throughout the night.

That night was the beginning of a roller-coaster ride of emotional extremes. My sweet, innocent baby girl had been thrown one of life's worst curveballs (as had I), and we were ill prepared for what was to come. My dear husband spent a sleepless night miles away from us, and arrived shaken and dishevelled the next morning. He clutched a fluffy teddy bear in his hands, and it was wonderful to see the smile on Rebecca's face, when he handed it to her. I, had never felt so relieved to see him. I clutched onto him like a drowning women in a turbulent sea. My youngest daughter, Gabriella was blissfully unaware of the storm. She spent the night with my sister, who was kindly caring for her. It was good to have at least one child, who was safe and sound, far away from the growing darkness....

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