May 10, 2010

Diabetic children and sport, the dilema they face...

Well, today I've decided to write about my daughter's sports and how it related to her diabetes. Now, that's a long, involved topic in itself. Firstly, can you just imagine how incredibly hard it is to adjust to a whole new life? Suddenly catapaulted from well, non diabetic status to sick diabetic.

She has to get used to regarding sugar as the enemy. The very ingredient she desires most, is now the very thing that could kill her! The only time it's her friend, is when her blood glucose reading is low. (And, then there's the added fear she could drop so low, she could lapse into a coma. So, it's a constant juggling act, that you absolutely HAVE to get right. There's no room for error). But, the lows are sometimes before sport, or when she's over injected herself with insulin. Which, is not often as she normally has 'big brother' watching her.

Fortunately, my little Champion is an avid sports junkie. Very good at running, has won the 100m sprint medal for the past three years. She's also an excellent Hockey player...always scores an average of four to five goals. Now, am I a proud Mum or what? But, sports is a whole 'new ball game,' to coin a pun. I can no longer leave her to her own devices. I have to be there to monitor her sugar. Is she too low, too high maybe? Always have the jelly babies or glucogel ready. If she's too high, she can't play! That would be a catastrophe as she would be heart broken. If she's too low
it's a bonus, as they she gets to eat three jelly babies. Not too many mind you.

Diabetics have to excercise alot as it helps to bring down their sugar levels. They shouldn't do sport bare foot, as they can cut or injure their feet. Because, diabetics are prone to 'pins and needles in their feet,' and sometimes can't feel them, they can become infected. So, everyday we have to check for cuts, grazes etc. Normally, I do this before her bath. If there's anything there, I add salt and Dettol anti-septic to her water. My little hero is normally given the all clear. Afterall, she is an African 'Pikanini,' who has virtually grown up bare foot, and had hardened feet!

This proud and committed Mum, (give myself a hearty pat on the back), is braving the cold and rain, to watch my girl play Hockey this afternoon. I usually take a flask of tea, sometimes we eat pancakes and I yell with great gusto to spur her on. She absolutely loves this, don't all children?

Wish her luck, she needs all the love and support she can get. Diabetics struggle alot with self esteem. She tells me she 'wants her old life back,' and feels different. But, her teacher tells me she is one of the most popular girls in her class. She's also the class clown. Her wonderfully, supportive teacher and I have a strategy to re-inforce that. Rebecca doesn't think she's popular. So...all you family members and devoted friends out there, please support her. Love her, cheer her on. Tell her she's special, not different. Tell her how brave and strong she is. Next blog I'll tell you about her exciting and budding music career. She sings like an angel, and a talent scout has spotted her! A Christian singer from a rock band, who wants to give her voice training lessons. Isn't that just so cool. Watch this space, exciting stuff.

Have a great day and God bless. Thank you to my wonderful, sweet and kind hearted cousin, who has become my very first blog follower. Come on the rest of you. Rebecca needs to feel your love!

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