May 10, 2010

Always forgive, even when it feels like it's killing you...

Well, today I've decided to digress a bit. I thought i'd talk about a topic that hopefully, has wide spread interest. Because I've dealt with so much disappointment in my life, I have learnt to artfully dodge those 'wretched curve balls,' that somehow seem to smack you full in the face when you least expect it!

Yesterday, I was let down by a client! It was a potentially new client, who wanted a website done, and made out that it was a done deal. She asked for a layout and I went,(I believe), above and beyond. I designed not one, but three layouts. I also did a great job. (That's not my opinion, but my talented husband's opinion, who I always ask to cast his creative eye over my work. He's an interior designer/project manager, and as I was dealing with a contractor in the retail industry, it was right up his alley. Anyway, he seriously loved it and raved about it. But, you know how the client is always right blah blah... well, she blew it clean out of the water. I, being the sensitive soul that I am (sad isn't it), took it very badly and was in floods of tears.

But, you know something. We serve an awesome God who loves us so much that He always wants us to 'practice what we preach.' It is a high calling being a Mum. The other day I spoke to Bexs about how 'when one door closes another opens.' Well, of course God is going to test me on that one! She was too cute, and could see I was upset so brought me a cup of my favourite tea. I told her my story and she nodded wisely and immediately saw the connection. So, we spoke about how there will always be people who don't accept us as we are. But, there will be those lovely souls who love and celebrate us as we are. And, I am pleased to say I am so blessed by many of those angels. Family and kind freinds who celebrate who I am. There are those who will judge, condemn, and criticise us. Usually, it is because of their own inadequacies and insecurities.

We are allowed to rant and rave before God, tell Him how hurt and angry we are. But, then we must forgive. For our own sakes. Once we do that, we feel free and peaceful.

My darling little Gabriella is struggling with bullies at school. Can you believe it at just six years old? Of course, my mother lioness spirit rose within me and wants to go to war, but I use the same principle here. I tell her they are bullies because they are insecure and afraid. She must forgive and love them. Tell them she forgives them, and ask if they want to be friends. It's a tall order for such a little one. Usually, she says 'no, mommy,' and that's when I tell her to vent at me, God and tell me how sad and hurt she is.

I also re-inforce their strengths. How loving, kind and talented they are. They are both brilliant artists, who bless me daily with funny little drawings of cats,(my favourites) with big, forlorn looking eyes. Gabriella, is good at frogs...oh, and giraffes too! Her favourite animal. I tell them over and over again how clever they are and how much I love their work. Thankfully, they have awesome teachers who also do this for them.

Rebecca's hockey match was cancelled, thank goodness. I was dreading standing in the cold and rain to watch. She was also grateful. I worry about her catching a cold and her sugars being thrown out.

We had a lovely afternoon drinking coffee and doing homework. Then we watched the dvd 'Astro Boy.' I enjoyed it too, sweet movie with a lovely moral about loving someone for WHO they are, and not WHAT THEY DO.

Anyway, time to climb off my soap box for today. Have a lovely, fun, blessed day and remember to be kind. Sow love, forgiveness and grace. Trust me, it will come back to you. And, as a double portion too. You will walk away feeling blessed. Isn't it amazing how when you're feeling down, the best way to feel better is to bless someone else. Wow, now that's something worth raving about!

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