Jun 5, 2010

Motherhood is a daring adventure, a roller-coaster ride of extreme highs and lows...

Well, here we go again. I may as well just camp in the Paedeatric ward at our local Medi-Clinic permanently. The nurses know me well now, we've become old friends, which helps somewhat.

This morning Rebecca fell and hit her head, hard. Of course, Kev blames the mutt, and to a degree it was her fault. She is afterall an exhuberant, attention seeking ADHD puppy. At the mere whiff of a little action she springs into hyper mode. The kids are full of fun and excitement because exams and school are almost over. So you get the general gist of what happened. Zoe, or Bat as I fondly call her was chasing the girls down the passage at full throttle. Rebecca tried to scale the sofa to escape and fell with a resounding thud onto cold, hard tiles. She screamed like a banshee for ages and Kev and I thought she was being the drama queen she usually becomes to avoid a spanking, when she's naughty

The poor little sausage! I eventually coaxed her into lying on my bed with me. But, I immediately noticed something wasn't quite right, she was rambling incoherently and didn't seem to know who I was. Her eyes were glazed and her pupils dilated. I phoned her doc, who told me to keep a close eye on her. Half an hour later she was vomiting, so we were advised to rush her to emergency. It was a clear indication of concusion.

There is some sort of strange thing that happens to me, when in crisis mode. I become calm and practical. I switch onto auto-pilot, sargent major like, I jump around organising everything. Poor Kev had that 'rabbit in the headlights' look and Gabi jumped on the band wagon asking for a sweet, purely because she was scared her sister would die! Talk about capitalising on a dramatic situation. That child will make a ruthless business woman one day! In a way, I'm proud of her.

Anyway, raced to the hospital...it was like something out of a movie. Rebecca on my lap,clutching the vomit bag and praying she wouldn't puke on me. We arrive and have to wait half an hour for the Paed. Rebecca refused to be soothed, crying and beligerant, still confused. The doc arrives and calls for a CAT scan. I try my level best to convince my daughter she's going on an adventure, like when we watch Dr House. Kevin says wouldn't it 'be great if Dr House were here?' I grin at him and say, 'there's no need, he's grouchy enough to pass as a pretty convincing Dr House himself!' He reluctantly agrees. I switch into Dr Cameron mode and hold her hand as she goes through the CAT scan. It is a beast of a machine and makes a racket, like a washing machine. It's difficult to get Rebecca to keep still, eventually it is done.

Back to the Paed ward, and we anxiously wait for the results of the CAT scan. The doc arrives and says he needs to call the Neurosurgeon, just to be safe. He says the X-rays look clear, but is a little bit concerned about a shadow on the left side. I start writing this blog to distract myself, while Rebecca dozes and Kev takes Gabi to a friend's house. He has to rush to the airport to collect a client. I think it's a good thing as he's like a 'cat on a hot tin roof' in the hospital. Understandably he hates them, as do I. I have a little more tolerance though. It's an inbred thing a mother's intinctively acquires when her kids are born, thank God.

I log off to speak to the Neurosurgeon. He is so nice, comforting and kind. We go through the X-rays on the screen and I am rivetted. Amazing to see the brain and learn about that strange blob that looks like a cabbage. He is certain there is nothing to worry about. I am so ecstatic I almost kiss him. Now I just have to wait for the Paed to get here. Looks like Rebecca will still have to stay overnight.

I really, really don't want to spend the night. I'm a sucker for punishment and usually camp out here, because I feel it's my motherly duty. Kev and Gabi hate it of course. If you know of any really good, creative excuses why I shouldn't, let me know. I was supposed to go to a ladies only dinner tonight. Really don't want to miss it, but maybe I'll make a plan after all.

Thanks for listening and caring. Until next time...

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